Environment Rights

Pollution is anything that is present or introduced into an environment which causes harm. In the sea there are many kinds of pollution such as rubbish, oil, chemicals and sewage. Often the pollution cannot be seen by the naked eye, and sometimes pollution will never disappear from the water. In many ways it is our own actions that lead to pollution. Deforestation, urbanization, globalization and economic development all are the activities of environmental pollution and depletion. For living in this world having healthy environment has no other alternatives than protecting it.

JWF fight for protecting the environment and ecological balance is not only to preserve it for the current generation but also for the future generations to come. The Bangladesh Parliament has already established the Bangladesh Environment Protection Act, 1995 whose role is to protect the environment, to improve the quality of the environment and to control and abate the pollution of the environment. There is also the Bangladesh Environment Conservation Act (BECA) which is a set of laws enacted by the government of Bangladesh in 1995 to conserve the nation's environment. Its main goals were to "provide for conservation of the environment, improvement of environmental standards and control and mitigation of environmental pollution."(Bangladesh Environmental Conservation Act, 1995).The Act gives operational definitions of terms that historically did not exist, including ecosystem, pollution, waste and hazardous substance. Seven areas in Bangladesh are defined as Ecologically Critical Areas under this law. Despite the Act and its supporting laws and policies the environmental degradation of Bangladesh continues principally under the population pressure. The organization is dedicated to the defense of human ecosystems in terms of human rights, and to the promotion of environmentally responsible governmental, commercial, community and individual practice in Bangladesh through the empowerment of local people.

Bangladesh has the largest unbroken coastline of the world as well as one of the largest mangrove forests of the world. The country has an extensive network of about 300 rivers with a flow of 25,000 kilometers. The hill areas of Bangladesh are known for their rich biodiversity and cultural diversity. JWF prides itself in working for various matters pertaining to river erosion and illegal water dredging which might adversely affect the ecology surrounding the rivers. The workings of the JWF in this sector already had taken its first step by filing a Public Interest Litigation on illegal dredging done by the riverside of Padma at Rajshahi. On 07.08.17 the Foundation filed a Public Interest Litigation (being writ petition no. 11169 of 2017) which was in respect of environmental and ecological concerns. The illegal sand-lifting from the banks of the Rajshahi River was leading to soaring environmental concerns as the area around the river was being badly affected. Moreover, the people living in the vicinity showed concerns in regard to worsening ecological conditions as the fish and other wildlife surrounding the river were adversely affected due to such mindless activity. JWF’s public litigation lead the High Court to question the legality of the government's inaction and failure to take appropriate steps to stop lifting sand illegally from the bank of the Padma River in Godagari of Rajshahi. The Court directed to take immediate steps to stop illegal lifting of sand from various areas near the riverbanks of the Padma and to protect the areas from river erosion and damage of embankments at Godagari. Moreover, JWF has further plans to stretch its reach towards the hill tracts of Bangladesh to support the movement of preventing illegal hill cutting and forest clearing by those who may abuse the lack of supervision to further their own gains.

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JWF is open to all bodies willing to be a helping hand to those in need. All of the donations provided to JWF will be used for the benefit of the people by employing various projects and tasks that might be undertaken. We believe that we are not the only ones enthusiastic to help the crying needs of people Remember every little bit of money helps those who may be in desperate need of them or getting legal remedy for any matter that they may be facing.Please click on the link below to choose the payment method as indicated.