The research team of JWF is another key department with its involvement branching off to all other departments in the Foundation. In other words, all the departments listed within the Foundation either rely or collect information or investigate specific topics for this particular wing which is deemed necessary for performing various projects and works undertaken by JWF. The research department conducts a series of extensive studies on both legal and humanitarian matters with its publication being posted under the Publication tab. The studies conducted also interlinks with the works of the Public Litigation conducted by JWF. The team conducts studies based on the recent data, trends and reports on the human rights violation & promotion all throughout Bangladesh. It tries to acquire the best of the sources available to support its research and thoroughly studies vast volume of information before publishing any of its research on its website or for use in any other matter as required for the promotion of human rights by JWF. The team has had already made progress in research of various public interest litigation matters that have been filed by JWF. This include matters relating to garbage disposal & collection by the Dhaka City Corporation, boilers in use in the garments sector & the applicable laws restraining the use of expired boilers due to safety concerns, morgues used by the medical colleges & their present condition, the dangers of river erosion by mindless dredging & the steps to be taken to avoid further damage, use of dangerous chemicals used by the farming industry & the harmful consequences, etc. Traces of use of the above mentioned research materials can be found from the various public litigation matters that have been already filed by the JWF as can be seen from the Public Interest Litigation Tab. The issues written under publications include various legal articles, short reports on burning issues in the current media as well as informative studies explaining the social standing of the JWF in its endeavor to reach its goal. The research team also undertakes various other research work that might not have come to the attention to the general public and in turn tries to make detailed report on the matter in order to inform people of the matter as well as strategize how to best handle as other consequences that may follow. The team has been hand-picked by the JWF’s Head of Committee, putting utmost preference towards hard-working and dedicated individuals with the skills to take pressure in conduction huge volume of thesis or research work on any line of study.
We, at the JWF, have over a members at the moment and are getting more every day, all of whom hope to help & protect the rights of people in need. You can also aid us in our fight against injustice as well as making a difference. Your efforts or your knowledge that you may provide will be used to shape lives of those in need and even allow those in neglect a fighting chance to fight for their rights. Our diverse team is full of energetic members and we hope all those enthusiastic to join us will know that working with us will provide you with valuable experience. Find out how you can get involved by following the link below.
JWF is open to all bodies willing to be a helping hand to those in need. All of the donations provided to JWF will be used for the benefit of the people by employing various projects and tasks that might be undertaken. We believe that we are not the only ones enthusiastic to help the crying needs of people Remember every little bit of money helps those who may be in desperate need of them or getting legal remedy for any matter that they may be facing.Please click on the link below to choose the payment method as indicated.